Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment (Testing)
The purpose of psychological and neuropsychological assessment (testing) is to address specific areas of concern or difficulty. Assessment enables the clinician to provide the client with a thorough description of cognitive, academic, and social/emotional levels of functioning. One of the goals of assessment is to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to tailor interventions to the needs of the client.
Psychological and neuropsychological assessments involve several steps. The client will meet with the psychologist for a clinical interview. The interview enables the client to describe the current problem and how it affects academics, work, relationships, or behavior. The interview also includes taking a complete developmental history.
A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment takes approximately 10-12 hours of face-to-face time with the average client. Appointments are scheduled in blocks of time that are flexible yet permit the greatest amount of testing with the fewest number of sessions.
A final appointment will be made during which the client will meet with the psychologist. At that appointment all test results will be discussed as well as recommendations for intervention/treatment. If referrals for additional, or outside, services are needed they will be provided at this time. The final report will be available at this time as well.

Assessment and/or Treatment Is Offered For:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Learning Differences
- Developmental Delays
- Conduct Disorder/Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Anxiety Disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Dementia / Memory Concerns
Tests Commonly Administered Cover the Following Areas (depending on the needs of the client):
- Developmental Delays
- School Readiness
- Intelligence (IQ)
- Academic Achievement
- Attention and Concentration
- Learning and Memory
- Auditory Processing
- Visual Processing
- Sensory Processing
- Visuospatial Functioning
- Sensorimotor Functioning
- Executive Function
- Adaptive Functioning
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Personality Style
- Self-Esteem
Skills Training/Cognitive Rehabilitation
Skills Training and/or Cognitive rehabilitation may be offered following as assessment (if appropriate).
Skills Training and/or Cognitive rehabilitation is offered to assist the child in the development of specific strategies for maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses. Strategies may include: organization, memory, learning, self-monitoring, self-regulation, etc.